How are you feeling?
Are you sure?
The Emotional Self
aër is an interactive visualisation platform that helps the user understand, explore, share and take control of the emotions.

We, complex creatures, move from happiness to sadness, green to purpure, yellow to blue. We, strange animals, turned red with anger, feel sadness blue. Let our body guide us, use our senses and our moves to discover true desires, –reasons, patterns, what is true– to find the emotional you.
Our bodies have something to say about our emotions.

aër uses biosensors on a wrist-worn wearable and smartphone to determine the physiological state of an individual accurately and passively. It uses this data, in the context of physical activity, situations, proximity to people, voice analysis, GPS positioning and digital activities to create a real-time mirror of one’s inner emotional self.

Trust your body
Use a combination of wearable divices, smart phone and self reporting to create the more accuarate reports and allow you see your emotional self.
Celebrate complexity
Is not about being happy all the time. Each emotion is part of a visual system designed to bring you joy, even when acceping, making space and learning from sadness.
What, when, why
Use the history records to understand triggers, improve your daily relations, share with others, discover healthy ways to adress your emotions and set goals.
Accurate data
to explore emotions
in a delightful way

The system will use the data from trustful wearable devices to track changes in your brain, skin, heart and other physical signals and will assign a value to create the visualization

Emotions 360*
Specific reports for each emotion are available for the user to start understanding what is behind the way you relate with, understand and experience a certain emotion.
Timeline and history records will allow learning and taking assertive actions. The system will help with suggestions such as meditation, music, readings and more.

Dig deeper
Wear your emotions of that amazing day
and remember it for ever. Send flowers to a sad friend. Share your emotions with the world in an interactive public wall. Is all about understanding humanity. We are not alone.
and remember it for ever. Send flowers to a sad friend. Share your emotions with the world in an interactive public wall. Is all about understanding humanity. We are not alone.

Bring the inside outside, let the world see you, why not?
A system that reads you

When it comes to specific emotions, their meaning are not always the same around the world. The user can help the platform improve and understand particularities by giving it feedback and correcting interpretations. Self tracking + passive tracking, the best of both worlds, because is all about being humans after all.

Illustrations from Charles Le Brun print External signs of the passions -1821
This project was created and developed with Ruben Babu and Amrita Dutt - All Rights Reserved - Berlin 2021
This project was created and developed with Ruben Babu and Amrita Dutt - All Rights Reserved - Berlin 2021